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Apres Joe, le deluge

By Owen Paine on Wednesday June 21, 2006 05:53 PM

The Washington Post today quoted weary old DLC backstage canal pony Ruy Texeira:
The old fight between the center and the left in our party has run its course ....

Attention faux progs especially of the X-er and younger generations: here they come... your way. Get ready for the bear hug of a lifetime, kids, 'cause for the key party hackery its time to cut and run left -- nothing less will do -- its a matter of survival -- every man-jack and -jill of 'em for him or herself.

It's the great beltway panic of '06 -- the party core is about to explode and its sober-sided main elements scatter like mad seals off a rock.

But then watch -- like a school of fish these seals will all move in one direction: leftward ho, as they sense their 14-year-old Bermuda triangle ( formerly doing business as the vital party center ) start imploding.

I bet my generation of gliberal drug-besotted yuppie merit swine will bolt their positions, even before we get to watch the now-swirling head of muppetissimo Joe nearly sucked totally under this fall.

It'll be like Lyndon in New Hampshire '68 -- the last tango of an era. After that, they'll all begin swimming at you young folks, barking and flapping their flippers -- arf arf arf, right toward your rafts. The generational pendulum is swinging. the boomers are outsville. You iz the new queens of the ball, you guys and gals -- you far kosters, you zellmons of Alabama, you wonkettes of a hundred eyes -- u iz all gonna suddenly find your virtual pots filling with milk and honey.

Comments (8)

Is it too late to start a faux-liberal democrat blog cult and cash in on all that DLC moola? I can shill just as expeditiously as the next KO$.

Supposedly Jerome whats-is-face over there at Kos is taking some hits on the conservative side of the blog-tracks for some kind of shady deal he helmed in the late 1990s. Why don't you just angle for his job instead ? Much less work. Think of the resume-padding you can do based solely on all the valuable networking you've done here ! I'm mean, you've received an insult-by-association from somebody that could be Billmon himself ! It's roses all the way from here, Doll !!

js paine:

i'm with ya
all the way

"got yer back...."

beau swinert

i'm thirty i'm flirty
i'm ready to get dirty

Is it too late to start a faux-liberal democrat blog cult and cash in on all that DLC moola? I can shill just as expeditiously as the next KO$.

How much do you hate Ralph Nader?

Can you type "zzzzzzzz" in response to any question you can't answer?

Do you "support the troops but not the war but sort of not the war because you think you can win it better than the Republicans"?

Be honest, were you waiting for "Fitzmass?"

Does the word "purist" often find its way to your toungue when someone asks you if you support the war or not?

Does the phrase "Holden gets a pony" mean anything to you?

Do you think "leftists are uncomfortable with money"?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you too can be a Democratic Party blogger.

Sign on before Al Gore declares for the presidency and you get too excited to do anything but talk about An Inconvenient Truth.

Let me see if I can add a couple to the questionaire:

How quickly can you throw out someone with an opinion further to the left than yours?

Can you accuse someone of being an anti-Semite for bringing up Israel in less than 30 seconds?

Is your favorite saying "The perfect is the enemy of the good"?

''weary old DLC backstage canal pony Ruy Texeira:''

ooo good one. I usually call him a "charlatan" but I like yours better. What a tired boring non-strategist.

Have a canape:

High School Essay on Ykos (I renamed it)



DBH, don't forget. You have to love composing those bulk mail carpet-bombings which go out once a week to everyone who ever --even once !-- voted Democrat;You have to come up with new and tired ways to say, "All your votes and $$ am belong to us..."

js paine:

Madman In The Marketplace

gets off this nice passage
vis a vis



"This is a fight between two generations of people who BOTH serve some version of the status quo. You know, the current system where corporations have as many rights as people, but almost NONE of the obligations actual living, breathing human beings have"

now i'd like it to be expanded to say

its also on both sides
a battle between
members of
" i wish we all could find a raft
that could take us
to a totally free
classless place where
there are
NONE of the constraints actual living, breathing job hobbled
human beings have .....
its a small raft
and only a few can get tickets to ride this trip
bye bye
wish us well
u all live as swell as you can now
and remember we'll write
and oh ya
we're comin back for ya
just as soon as we can "

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