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Careful -- it might be a trap

By Owen Paine on Monday July 31, 2006 10:03 AM

Et tu, gray lady?

It's all over the map already: the New York Times has endorsed Lamont over that nutmeg muppet of Fort Zion, das Lieber-fiend.

Why, why, why? This can't be good. The Times, choosing just this moment to stab the pre-eminent acolyte of Mini-Me in the back?

There's a fair foulness in the air, dear hearts.

Comments (2)


My S.O., who is so smart and so adept at Rovian thinking, says this will make Leiberman run as an independent, split the democratic vote and result in a Republican victory. She says this knowing nothing about Connecticut politics or whether there's even a Republican party there. She just knows Rove!

LOL I was opposed to Lieberman when Kos and his thugs would descend into threads and tell us off.

But I don't find the Lamont game a worthwhile one. Sorry Blahhhgers.

But, uh, go guys. Go somewhere... ;)

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