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Lifestyle over life substance

By Owen Paine on Thursday July 6, 2006 04:13 PM

Here's the one and only Ralph, commenting on the New Democratic follies since '92:
More than any other single issue, save possibly health insurance for all, their reluctance to boldly and visibly champion the living wage has cost them the Presidential and Congressional elections...
... And yet to the party of From-ery, these lower level blue-collars are a no-go. Even if they're not an endangered species, like their upper-level bro's in the industrial unions, these low riders aren't big voters; they buy into Jesus; and they can't pay for delivered favors with donated funds.

It's the yellow-bellied swingers that really rock the Kasbah, cause they share the lib donor elite's fave culture issues: rewards for non-marketable merits, total self-improvement, a brilliant pair of personal children, and sexual liberty.

Oh yeah, and possibly medical immortality.

Comments (2)


you seem to imply that congressional democrats identify more with the elite than with the people. I'm shocked, shocked!

Tim D:

Here's my favorite line:

"Except for one year of restraint, members of Congress have zipped their annual pay grab through the House and Senate every year. Just the increases in that period amount to about three times the annual minimum wage income for millions of American laborers."

Tar and feather anyone?

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