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Meanwhile, on the home front

By Owen Paine on Friday July 28, 2006 10:33 AM

Speaking as the take-over-or-split-it wing of the stop-me movement, I submit this for your consideration re the '08 party platform:

The party left needs to throw up a few wildly divisive draft planks, not cultural but of the tax variety. Like a net-worth tax on the one percenters, and a payroll tax cut on SSI.

Nothing new here, of course, but the notion is, let's smoke out the money-changers' party familiars, then let's attack the foreign aid budget -- no more arms tech for anybody. That oughta smoke out some stooges too.

Plank battles like these -- not gay marriage and abortion and gun control -- will get at the real wire-pulling fiends

On another popular topic: forget campaign reform. That's changing the frame, while it's the picture inside that's ugly.

As I mentioned with other words in a comment here -- want to stop big money or Zionic influence? Well -- if you promise to screw 'em they won't donate.

Of course this is an impossible dream, but the point is to force the fiends to answer the musical question, "why the fuck not?"

Comments (9)


The party (DLC wing of it)has already gone on record in favor of increasing the home mortgage deduction and college aid. That should show us what social class they're aiming for.

What do you mean by "smoking out" the stooges? We already know who they are.

Dean's grassroots program seems to be, or thinks it's about developing candidates at the local level who will carry these kinds of proposals to the national some day. In my experience, once candidates hit the state level, where lobbyists can find them, they quickly change their stripes.

I just read an article by Steve Sailor in American Conservative (print version ) about "What's Wrong with the Democrats". He says some loathesome things, but makes some points worth thinking about. I dont know if this is the place to bring them up or not.


Sure, why not?

js paine:

bobw writes:
"The party (DLC wing of it)has already gone on record in favor of increasing the home mortgage deduction and college aid. That should show us what social class they're aiming for "

no no

thats the middle klass

they're swell

i'm after the real big fish
the real big donor klass


ala bryan
i suggest a
plank war
to smoke em out

why cause after they expose themselves defending
the status quo
then we throw em out
or we split

show em their not welcome
in front or behind
the green door
of any party we'd vote for
let alone be in


mortgage deductions
and tuition tax credits ????
whats wrong with that

its clinton's
wind fall
97 cap gain tax cut

and the rubinomics
close the fed deficit
that's what we need to spotlight

say we recomend
just for fun


to pay the debt service
on the borrowings that the morbid combo
of reaganite tax cuts
for the super rich and trans nat corporate
war machine budgets produced

how about reversing the bi partisan pay roll heists
of the last twenty years
that have accumulated 2 trillion in overtaxation
( regressively)
of job holders

put the ssi system
back on pay as u go
where it belongs

not covering the federal deficit to the tune of 100 plus billions per 365

and while we're at it
return the trust funds
exist now
dollar contribution
to those still living
who over paidall these years
since the mid 80's
shit man
we haven't seen party planks
with real class balls in 66 years

It's hard to overstate the utter pointlessness of trying to change a party as deeply corrupt as the democrats. The tiny remnant of democrat "left" is so compromised (How compromised are they?) Thanks you. They're so compromised they think Howard the Donk is a liberal! (Bah-dun-dun!)

But seriously folks - considering the democrat party is 99% lip service and empty promises, how much worse could it be to dump it entirely? What are we losing here? College tuition breaks?

Do we even have time to screw around with the dems anymore? I, for one, don't think so. Dem party "liberal" have so little clout they couldn't get Beltway Al to support the Koyoto Treaty.

So what it comes down to - do you want college tuition breaks or do you want to work for real change?

js paine:

AS :

in substance of course u are correct on all counts

now the question becomes
how do you defeat this
long eared
beast of wall street

i contend its a two front war

independent action is primary of course

but the internal opposition remains critical

the bizz as usual
dems must not co opt the fury of repug rejection

and they will
unless they are exposed

most will not be as easy as nut meg joe

take st hill
her credentials are not as tarnished as they ought to be

propaganda and agitation
are not for the thinkers and visionary set

but even though we see others as yet don't

and lesser evilism must be elevated to main enemy status

and that i believe requires a good faith grapple for control
of the party of jackson and bryan

we lose we leave we win
we fuse with the true left
whats not to like

long as we all know
the progressive movementson the ground
against the empire
and assorted pro corporate
anti union crap
gets the bulk of the time and effort of us all
there is no substitute
direct action

this is a side show
but a necessary one

so i say
on with
the klass based
split issue politics
its paramount
for those still
working inside
the donk machine


who can argue with you, or Alan either? Throw in a living wage, raise taxes on corporations, penalize corporations who take jobs overseas, return the medical deduction on personal income, give $50K in trust to every child reaching the age of 18, and throw in universal health coverage. That will really smoke 'em out!

But it all sounds like Zsa Zsa Gabor talking about men. When do we start the serious work?

J. Alva Scruggs:

I do have doubts sometimes, but everything points to Alan being right. I think the Dems have achieved a neurotic singularity of greed, cowardice, group double-think and panicked stupidity, with occasional outbursts of hysterical triumphalism. They've been incorporating the wingnut narratives into their strategy for so long that they believe them. They paddle around with gold plated rubber duckies in a puddle of sewage and moan about the ingratitude of the people who won't join them. And those are their good points! Don't get me started on their flaws.

It's hard to overstate the utter pointlessness of trying to change a party as deeply corrupt as the democrats. The tiny remnant of democrat "left" is so compromised (How compromised are they?) Thanks you. They're so compromised they think Howard the Donk is a liberal! (Bah-dun-dun!)

My take on Hollering Howie.



at least everyone on this blog is on the same side! And I do appreciate the dark literacy of our two bloggers.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure what JS is saying, but above he (or she?) seems to be saying we can follow two strategies -- one smoking out the dems (which I think means discrediting them) and at the same time building whatever rational or irrational, temporary or world-historical movements we can on the side.
I'll go for that. That's what I do anyway.

There's one thing we're not addressing, though: the great cultural rift in the country and the signs of totalitarianism. What do we do about that?

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