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Reform or removal?

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday July 26, 2006 11:41 PM

A correspondent writes:
BOPnews had a nice post up explaining why "Moving the Democratic party to a reliance on small donors, and off money from various industries is job one. And it's job one not just because it will lead to better policy - it's job one because it will lead to Democrats being able to champion causes believed in by the majority of the population. In other words, it'll lead to victory."


Maybe you would rather see the Democrats shrivel and die (and thus make way for a third party) than actually get their act together and win. Nevertheless the information in that post is priceless, IMHO, for explaining to Dems why their cowardly electoral strategy leads to defeat rather than safety.

I'd be delighted to eat all my scornful words about the Democrats if they should ever become "a party able to champion causes believed in by the majority of the population." I just don't think it's very likely. On balance, I think it's easier to sweep 'em off the stage of history and start over, than it is to reform them.

Comments (1)

js paine:

might i add

fragmentation reform
is a fairly weak reed
in any context

its circular of course
to me policy promises
the donation stream
even more obviously
then the donation stream
produces policy "results"
i'd be more sanguine
if the donkery elite planked
up a left platform first

such that
at least
a few juicy big donor
sine qua non s
got mercilessly savaged

in any event
that oughta
get the party donation funnel
cleared of most
public spirited
major gifts
right quick

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