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Another New York paper heard from

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday August 2, 2006 12:53 AM

On the left, an actual item from the New York Daily News. On the right, the way the same item would have read in the newspaper of a halfway sane city:

Here is the sure way to get an Israeli ceasefire agreement right now. The United Nations must assemble a credible force of peacekeepers, announce to Hezbollah that the force is ready to secure the shell-shocked Lebanese border, inform Hezbollah that it must pull way back and completely disarm, see to it that Hezbollah does exactly that - and then lean hard on Iran and Syria to stop funding these proxy gangsters who are making war against Israel.

At which point, Israel will cease firing.

Here is the sure way to get an Israeli ceasefire agreement right now. The United Nations must assemble a credible force of peacekeepers, announce to Israel that the force is ready to secure the shell-shocked Lebanese border, inform Israel that it must pull way back and completely disarm, see to it that Israel does exactly that - and then lean hard on the United States to stop funding these proxy gangsters who are making war against all their neighbors.

At which point, Israel will cease firing.

Comments (2)

js paine:



you're right

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