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Spare us your benevolence

By Owen Paine on Thursday August 31, 2006 11:59 AM

Nice, on-target corporate press article in the B-town Boob:
TEHRAN -- Emad Baghi is a human rights activist who spent three years in prison for his writings. Shadi Vatanparast is a promoter of underground Iranian rock bands who, in the semi-privacy of her office, throws off her government-mandated headscarf. And Fazel Mehbadi is a mullah who preaches a message that's dangerously dissident in the theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran: Religion should be separate from government.

These Iranians, in large ways and small, want more democracy and pluralism in their country, and they have taken risks to change their society. They are the kind of people whom US officials say they want to support. Yet they all agree that the last thing they need is help from the United States.

Lots of splash here on the induced blood of containment, and Washington's ham-fisted co-optation attempts -- the tainting of internal reform groups, etc. A good citation for anti-intervention/interference.

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