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Just say no

By Michael J. Smith on Friday October 27, 2006 01:11 PM

ddjango writes:
I'm going to design a banner for blogs to display . . .


You'll be the first to get one. Wish I had the bucks to produce it and distribute it as a bumper sticker.

Comments (2)

js paine:

not to be prig -ish
but to me a tally of third party votes
speaks louder then no shows

to make the effort to go and deliberately vote against either of the tango twins
strikes me as optimal

i must admit

don't blame me
i voted for neither

under a barred disc picture
of a donk kissing
a pachy's ass
while the pachy's trunk is up the donk's ass

leaves a blur where
the simple no go
refulges with
a sharp drop out edge

Your point, sir, is well taken . . . but . . .

Where are these third parties? The Peace and Freedom Party exists only in California; The Populists are furtive and suspect; The Greens have only small pockets of strength (and a Green just dropped out of a congressional race to support the Democrat); The Libertarians, well you know; etc etc etc . . .

Perhaps an increase in third party votes in this mid-term election will send some sort of message, but I don't see a third party really having any impact in '08. There may be another Nader, but that's a third candidate, not a third party.

The problems with third candidate campaigns are (1) the candidate and the "party" are indistinguishable and (2) when the candidate loses the party goes away.

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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