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Show us your... oh, never mind

By Michael J. Smith on Monday October 16, 2006 12:08 PM

J Alva Scruggs writes:

Rahmbo is looking for cute candidates:

Maybe Democratic candidate Michael Arcuri is running strong in this Republican House district because he pledges to expand health coverage, balance the budget and raise the minimum wage.

Or maybe it's his piercing Italian eyes and runner's physique.... By a combination of luck and design, Democrats seem to be fielding an uncommonly high number of uncommonly good-looking candidates.

The beauty gap between the parties, some on Capitol Hill muse, could even be a factor in who controls Congress after Election Day.

Democratic operatives do not publicly say that they went out of their way this year to recruit candidates with a high hotness quotient. Privately, however, they acknowledge that... it did not escape their notice that some of the most attractive prospects were indeed often quite attractive.

Comments (3)

js paine:

as one might expect
once again defying the odds
j alva
has discovered an even lower circle
of self projected depravity

rahmbo's red toe slippers
are showing eh ???

now he's
a penn ave alcibiades (spelling optional )

Yeah, caught that bit in the Post before the DW snatched it off the front hall table and ran out the door to her office this a.m. Talk about some desperation.

Has anyone bothered to inform Our Lord Immanuel that putting Katie "Cupcake" Couric in the CBS Evening News anchor chair doesn't seem to be working out that well for CBS?


Haven't these glamor pusses learned?

Even with John Kerry's observing the hair gap between the Kerry-Edwards ticket and Bush-Cheney, he's still only a billionaire's trophy hubbie.

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