If the Nan Pelosi clique
has a serious second banana,
it's John Murtha.
Here's the
Wash Post's list of Nan's inner coterie:
- George Miller
- Anna G. Eshoo
- Edward J. Markey
- Rosa L. DeLauro
- David R. Obey
- John M. Spratt Jr.
- Rahm Emanuel
It's not just that Murtha's after Steny --
he and the Rahmbo probably complete la Nan's triumvirate.
Recalling that triangles are the key new Dem paradigm shape,
one can now see the outline of the coming
evil fatuity.
Conjure, if you dare,
these three comic-book heroes:
snake princess
the E-mam,
and the reincarnation of Tip O'Neill.
I call on J Elvis to give us the banner icon -- err, tri-con.