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You mean... they LIED to us?!

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday October 12, 2006 11:36 AM

My new whipping boy, Matt Stoller, has finally faced the terrible truth:
First, the bad news. Here's what's going on.

[Quoting New York Times] "Despite the rush from many Democrats to endorse Mr. Lamont after his triumph -- only a handful chose personal loyalty to Mr. Lieberman over the Democratic nominee picked by voters -- some now quietly admit they would be satisfied to see their longtime colleague returned to Washington. But none of the Democrats would speak for attribution because of pressure to publicly appear supportive of their party's nominee, and they were granted anonymity so they could speak freely about their feelings toward Mr. Lieberman."

After the primary, DC Democrats dissuaded Lamont from attacking Lieberman, essentially promising him that they would talk Joe out of running. This was of course a lie, but it worked. They lied not only to Lamont, but to us, and to regular activist Democrats who work for the party and play by the rules.

Matt seems genuinely stunned. One of his commenters, who seems to have been born the day before yesterday, or maybe even last week, frothed:
When you run an anti-establishment campaign, even when you win the primary, never ever never ever never ever assume they're gonna back you. NEVER assume that. Most of the time they won't. ... That's why they have a stranglehold on "their" chosen ones. I have even seen the parties throw their own general election candidates to lose to the other side as punishment for a winning quixotic insurgent campaign.

Lamont people were bloody FOOLS to believe that bullshit from the party, for they are back-stabbing sons-of-bitches. NEVER EVER believe the party like Lamont did, because you'll get fucked every time.

Couldnta said it better myself.... But if this chap has seen the setup so clearly, why is he still hanging around?

Comments (5)

Bwa! These newbies sound like they've finally learned their lesson via Apocalypse Now. "Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the fucking boat..."

J. Alva Scruggs:
But if this chap has seen the setup so clearly, why is he still hanging around?

Ptomaine Joe's diner has that irresistible blue plate special. While you get sick every time, if you get enough people eating it no one has room to say that living the Skinner Box lifestyle is truly bogus.

js paine:

no party of winnocrat mission
can ever be much more
then the sum of its career hacks

the cash surrender value
of this "my party "
loyalty act
guys like matt here
ask uz chumps to spring for
two years or so
is precisely equal to
as to the policy's pay off
read the fine print's fine print
it sez

"when FDR retuns "


Delicious. Hark, what's that faint cry in the distance?

Four more years! Four more years!


Or even six. But who's counting at this hour of the night?

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