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Bottom rail on top this time

By Owen Paine on Monday November 20, 2006 05:02 PM

"With a working family majority in Congress this January, we have a chance to start addressing bread and butter issues."
That's the crow bait chittering away over at the AFL-XXX blog site.

Just thought you all would like to know the Clintonian-Rubinonian Wall-street-to-my-street hokey-pokey donkery is doing business as the friend of "the working family" once again -- well, maybe not everywhere, and certainly not for everyone, but at least around the union flacks.

After all it is the party that fed, housed, and promoted Hubert Humphrey, the biggest blob of protean bullshit God ever created.

Hey, they're the majority now -- so it follows that the whole flock of congo donk birds will turn as one to cadge dimes for the jobbery, even the blue dogs -- right?

When it comes to the all things to all people department, there's nothing like a jackass.

Comments (3)

J. Alva Scruggs:

They may be the majority, but it's still all Bush's fault when the handwringing over dashed expectations and broken promises begins.

j s paine:

indeed sir scruggs
always nice
to have a white house
to kick around


lol. the humor post is amazing. haha

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