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Mark of the beast

By Michael J. Smith on Monday November 27, 2006 12:04 AM

A droll friend of mine has given me a delightful gift -- a souvenir T-shirt from the 2004 Democratic convention in Boston (you remember, the barbed wire, the guard dogs, the "free speech zone"?).

On the front, roughly near where the human heart normally lies, there's the usual tiresome red-white-and-blue flaggoid logo, and the legend

Boston 2004
Nothing conventional about it.

On the back:

Biotechnology Industry Organization

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Atlas Venture

Bronze Sponsors


My friend, the donor of this prized artifact, assures me that she received it from a chap who works in a Senator's office, and he -- the Senatorial staffer -- seemed quite sure that my friend would value it very highly. She didn't, obviously, but I do.

Comments (6)

js paine:

not to be any more pedantic then usual

the message on the back:

with drugs
you don't need guns to kill
only high prices

the DONKS :
we'll make the globe safe for patents

js paine:

not to be any more pedantic then usual

the message on the back:

with drugs
you don't need guns to kill
only high prices

the DONKS :
we'll make the globe safe for patents

"Flaggoid ?"

Oh, dear...


You got a problem with "flaggoid", Ms X? Tell me more.


A passing family resemblance to caucasoid?

I predict from Comrade Paine oceans of Trillin-esque doggerel involving hemmerhoids, things to avoid, and asteroids. Frankly, I'm not sure I can take it. :/

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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