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The hinge of fate

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday November 7, 2006 01:01 PM

All the shepherds and wise men are assembling around the manger over at Daily Kos, awaiting the outcome of the most important election in the history of the Universe. Senator Harry Reid, who seems to have a soft spot for the Kosniks, perhaps because they're the only people in the world (besides Nevada real-estate speculators) who admire him, had some staffer post a letter on the site in which he thanked them for all their contributions to the great holy cause of getting a few more donkey snouts back at the trough.

Reid probably didn't read the comments, but he might have found a few of them rather disagreeable:

I hope the staffer (65+ / 0-)

that wrote this knows how pissed people are at your treatment of lamont. Lieberman is a cancer on democracy.

Why Are Kossacks Such Enablers? (3+ / 1-)

The cult of personality around Harry "Keeping the Powder Dry in Perpetuity" Reid is truly mystifying. No one has betrayed Democratic principles more, yet Kossacks act like he's Paul Fucking Wellstone.

Get a fucking clue.

I was going to post a snarky comment (9+ / 0-)

thanking Mr. Reid and all the other Senate Democrats that helped out Mr. Lamont in his Senate campaign!!!

Seriously, "we're" going to have to decide how to treat the dems that hung Mr. Lamont out to dry. Particularly the two so-called "superstars" that are going to be the front runners for the dem Presidential nomination in '08. (OK I mean Hilary and Barack).

My personal opinion is that they can both go f#ck themselves.

Jerome! Hey, Jerome! More Kool-Ade over here!

Unfortunately these voices of well-founded disgruntlement were greatly outnumbered by the anesthetics corps:

Ed (7+ / 0-)

I am as big a Lamont guy as you, but Reid did what he had to do on this.

It is not on Reid.

by Big Tent Democrat on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 09:15:56 AM PST

Jeez (39+ / 0-)

Could we please hold off on the circular firing squad?

by SadTexan on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 09:17:23 AM PST

Tomorrow, but not today.... (3+ / 0-)

today we take back our country. Tomorrow we can eat our own.

by Got a Grip on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 09:34:25 AM PST

How about after we kick out the bad guys? (4+ / 0-)

I'm sure it can wait a single day, during which we need to be as positive and fired up as we can be.

Then of course there were innumerable slavish, fawning, lickspittle responses thanking Reid, and flattering him, and generally fellating him to the extent that TCP/IP permits. I won't even quote those, they're too revolting.

"We need to be positive and fired up," says one of the Kool-Ade dispensers above. I like that. Why is this needed? Will it exert some magical force that will influence the outcome? Or do we need to be "positive and fired up" because that's the only way to keep reality at bay?

Comments (2)

Today we take back our country. Tomorrow we can eat our own.

I love it when Kozzies pretend that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. What has all this "gate-crashing" shit ever been about, other than fattening a few high-rollers on the carcasses of their innumerable lessers ?

Where's Mike F. ? If this gem doesn't scream for his graphics skills, I don't know what does...

Today we take back our country. Tomorrow we can eat our own.

I love it when Kozzies pretend that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. What has all this "gate-crashing" shit ever been about, other than fattening a few high-rollers on the carcasses of their innumerable lessers ?

Where's Mike F. ? If this gem doesn't scream for his graphics skills, I don't know what does...

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