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Squeaky clean -- well, almost

By Owen Paine on Monday January 22, 2007 09:00 PM

You may have missed this -- it's Mike F's Breck boy, Gomer's courthouse spellbinder bro, and Dem prez hopeful Johnny Edwards


Seems he sold his opulent Georgetown house this December to a real big-time stinkeroo, or rather a stinkeroo couple, Paul and Terry Klaassen.

Ironic side light: two big unions El Brecko wants in his corner are after this same creep -- no, not for unfair labor practices, but for major stock losses. The two unions took on the stinker's company, then serious accounting irregularities surfaced, and sent the stock a-tumblin'. Seems this here stinker had sold a 20 million dollar block of shares just prior to... buying Breck-boy's house!

Gotta love it, though -- the union as disappointed investor. Hell hath no fury like a sucker fleeced!

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