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Mock the G-WOT

By Owen Paine on Thursday February 8, 2007 04:25 PM

I'm still tickled about the Aqua Teen Hunger Force stunt in Boston.


A nation harrumphs in indignant sputter, as slap-happy hoaxsters unrepentantly quack, "What, me g-wot?" Wouldn't it be wonderful if deliberate emulation followed their inadvertence? Call it the mock heard round the world.

Boston, the city that once stood alone and unafraid, now stands as an emblem of hunkered abject official hysterics. Freaks and geeks, beware, if your pranks happen to fall into the faultless metallic grip of the Beantown security heavyweights.

But even after all the big heat, the bluster and the squeeze, these two miscreant millenial post-Seattle nihilists in dreadlocks and paint-stained jeans saw fit to mock their way out of the jam and into the hearts of anti-Big Brothers everywhere.

Mock the g-wot! Mock the g-wot!

Comments (3)


Agree completely, OP. What a treat. Spirit of Abbie Hoffman, arise!

owen paine:

reechard these guys have something
the backers of pigesus for prz lacked
mais what exactly that is

je ne se qua ..

at least not quite yet

this gen is still abourning

owen paine:


bean town on all points alert

as planetary graffittti congress secretly covenes in the hub


alreay so purps may have been nab-ed

"The five men were allegedly spotted about 1:45 a.m. Friday, when an MBTA police officer patrolling at the Braintree station saw a red sport utility vehicle leaving a secluded area in a suspicious manner, said Deputy Chief Paul MacMillan.

After stopping the SUV, which smelled of paint fumes, the officer saw numerous paint cans and fresh paint on the occupants' clothing; the paint colors matched those that vandals had used at Forest Hills Station "

"The men arraigned in Quincy District Court yesterday were identified as Marius Schmieling, 25, of Dortmund, Germany; Tom J. Grundmann, 24, of Berlin; Christophe S. Chevalier, 27, of Petit Lancy, Switzerland; Michael R. Zieper, 22, of Waunakee, Wisconsin; and Philip Lozito, 23, of Charlotte, N.C."

"Lozito, who bit his fingernails during the court proceedings, had a scarf pulled up to his nose and a red checkered hooded sweatshirt and told a female Boston Herald photographer after his arraignment that he wanted to go on a date with her."


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