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Nan in bondage

By Owen Paine on Thursday March 15, 2007 10:41 PM

Some of us parlor sadists just love beating a downed Judas goat, and here's our Nan, bell a-tinkling, as she takes further crap loads dumped on her fine progressive figure, over the sudden Democong turn toward the Cheney line: "Iran can eat my gun muzzle."


The story line goes that two Zionophile Dem congos, Eliot Engel and Gary Ackerman, from the Bronx and Queens respectively, forced Nancy to un-"tie" the President's hands.

Forcing! Tying! This is steamy stuff, in connection with la Nan.

Comments (2)


People do joke about it, Owen, often mercilessly and with a ribaldry that can border on the offensive, but there's something to be said for the idea that the political class owes a conceptual debt to the porn industry. I personally find it disturbing to think of them as sexual creatures, but so much of their dialogue seems calculated -- scripted, even -- and irremediably salacious.

owen p:

"irremediably salacious"

my nan ???


that fits better on ....father smiff

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