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What a country

By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 21, 2007 05:25 PM

How many shitty jobs don't even pay shit? The answer is here:


To me, jobbling through profit-first private-sector America can't be done for under $20 an hour, without a sense of oppression on top of the for-sure for-sure exploitation, no matter the wage. But I'm prissy that way. According to the aforementioned mobility agenda at CEPR, a bum wage is anything paying less than about $11 per hour*, and their total on these deeply sunk wage smurf type jobs is 40 million, or about 1 in 3. Hey, 1 in 4 pay downright poverty wages**!

So what's this mobility mob's notion of a well-compensated job? One paying over $16 per hour (about four bits shy of the median) and in addition, has a serious company contribution to a health insurance plan, and at least some sort of defined contribution pension plan.

About 1 in 4 of us jobblers are holding down one of those beauties.

Ahh ain't this our America somethin'? Gotta love the place -- errr, if you can't afford to leave it.

*$11.11 per hour or less, less than 2/3 of the median male wage rate of $16.65.

**$9.83 per hour.

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