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Come one, come all

By Owen Paine on Monday July 30, 2007 05:43 PM

Okay, I have another room built in my policy house for globalization, trans nat corporations and immigration: in a phrase , better here than there .

Let all bearers of that most peculiar of commodities -- themselves -- come to Amerika like Kafka's figment does.

If "they" come here, then jobs stay at home . And even if we native-born don't fill 'em -- what's the net loss down-side-wise? And we can org 'em into unions if they share our freedoms, whereas back home they might get disappeared for doing such a naughty thing as trying to act collectively.

I say better the exploited wagery of the world unite here to fight the great class fight . Aren't we are all class brothers and sisters? Let's see to it the creators of all value get to capture a bigger share of the benefits of trade . Let's beat the trans-nats to the punch . Let's open the borders to our compadres. Through mobility at least equal to capital's, we have a higher wage to gain .

Comments (9)


Hey are you going undercover to YearlyKos this year?


ah so ...
once again

don't the debutt
a new one of my memeoramas
apon ho hum ing ears

why do i persist
in this hay lofting

he who gets slapped
never forgets

he who gets passed by
never learns


Dont worry, OP, prophets are never honored in their own time (or words to that effect.)

And now for two new ways to waste your time and money:

Naomi Wolf announces formation of The American Freedom Movement, a partnership of the Center for Constitutional Rights, MoveOn, and one more org I've forgotten -- a grassroots project to stop the attack on the Constitution.

And Democracy for America has a citizens co-sponsor petition for the impeachment of Gonzales.

This all reminds me of the old FBI Mafia campaigns: if you cant get them for murdering people, get them for tax evasion.


all the little nice mice
must exercise
their citizenship rights
such is the price of liberty

so why not on
a constitution protection wheel

spin it babes spin it

after all

as my lawyer

john hafferty esq
always sez

comes out of a briefcase


must ask smiff
this be a multi headed blog site

though he be its sovereign

Fun, and somewhat related anecdote:

A project planner at the factory where I work was praising a foreman he used to know in CA for always pairing off White guys with Mexican guys in the field or on the shop floor. Because, "That way they can't talk to each other."

So many levels to unpack there. Not that I haven't run in to the "bar-the-door" alarmists in the Union crowd from time to time. But you see my point, I'm sure.

If op's grand plan is going to work, we'd better all brush up on our Spanish, and fast. :/


ms x
nice to read you here again

factory job ???

my my you get around
west coast nickle and dime

actually r and f union chit chat
is all that really matters to me

so if you got more spill it



You can never be sure with OP, of the wild and whirling words, but my impression was that "Come one, Come All" was a joke.
Here in Calif., there's not a single manual job, as far as I can see, that's not being done exclusively by Mexicans or other Latins: restaurant service; nannying; retail clerking; construction; gardening; maintenance; roofing; tree-trimming; hauling -- anything hot, dirty, tedious or hard.
It's already happened!


bobw ..i'm quite serious
in fact its a krystone to my vision of
a prog pop national economic policy

more to come ...

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