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Deep in unfathomable mines

By Owen Paine on Thursday August 16, 2007 08:44 PM


Robert E. Murray – the unsmiling face of Capital. See him here, in some kind of spine-straightening harness, handing over a plaque to a fellow coal-industry ghoul -- no doubt it's an award for health and safety in the shafts.

In the popular imagination, coal miners are a beloved bunch, but yet we recklessly continue to let 'em die.

Did anybody else catch a few flashes of Murray's act since the cave-in? Under the circumstances such a display of willful public defiance -- worthy of a Gilded Age Vanderbilt -- makes me more sure than ever that we're in for a mighty sea change round here.

If these six men are found dead under all that illegally produced debris -- after all this guy's shamelessly chin-jutting carrying-on -- he's exactly what 37 years of free-range reagoonianism leads to: a combative hunchbacked profit ape, the perfect poster creep... eh?

What a troop of insensate croaking bullfrogs our present generation of leading captains of private enterprise have become. I'd venture to guess they're just about ripe enough for a ruthless public harvesting.

Comments (3)

Thank Dog I'm not the only one who was more than a little bit disturbed when, the morning after the big cave-in in Utah, NBC "Today" brought on none other than the owner of the goddamn' mine to give us the rundown of the situation.

Talk about Dubya Tee Eff?

Michael Hureaux:

They're sick, sick, sick.


how will the titans of the abstract rule, though, with iron generosity, or light-speed faith?

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