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Not-so-dual loyalties

By Michael J. Smith on Monday September 10, 2007 10:13 PM

I've been reading with pleasure Mearsheimer and Walt's recent book, The Israel Lobby. Among other delights, this quote from Eric Alterman:


But we ought to be honest enough to at least imagine a hypothetical clash between American and Israeli interests. Here, I feel pretty lonely admitting that, every once in a while, I'm going to go with what's best for Israel.... Perhaps it was a strategic mistake for America to rush to Israel's aid in 1973, but given the alternative, I really don't care. As Moshe Dayan told Golda Meir at the time, the "third temple" was crumbling. Tough luck if it meant higher gasoline prices at home.
Candor obliges me to note that although I think Alterman is a kind of human stink-bomb, there is apparently one area where we agree, or would have agreed in 2003 (I don't know what he thinks now). That area is gas prices. The higher they go, the happier I get.

Israel, on the other hand....

Comments (1)

plato's cave:

Alterman sometimes writes intelligently, and Clinton (One)was charming, and Schumer is a formidable cross examiner along with Jerrald Nadler. Milton's Satan is the perfect prototype for all of these -- smart, charismatic, opportunistic, and blind to what's really going on.

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