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By Michael J. Smith on Sunday October 7, 2007 10:04 PM

It's wonderful how the truth slips out sometimes -- as often as not, in an aside:


For a Trusty Voting Bloc, a Faith Shaken

AFTER the 2004 elections, religious conservatives were riding high.... Now with the 2008 race taking shape, religious conservatives say they sense they have taken a tumble. Their issues are no longer at the forefront, and their leaders have failed so far to coalesce around a candidate, as they did around Mr. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

What unites them right now is their dismay β€” even panic β€” at the idea of Rudolph W. Giuliani .... But what to do about it is where they again diverge, with some religious conservatives last week threatening to bolt to a third party if Mr. Giuliani gets the nomination, and others arguing that this is the sure road to defeat.

Many religious conservatives were proud to claim the mantle that Karl Rove bestowed on them as β€œthe base of the Republican Party.” Now they fear they may have lapsed unwittingly into the same role that African-Americans play in the Democratic Party: a dependable minority constituency that is courted by candidates but never really gets to call the shots.

This Times item was greeted with much chortlement over at Daily Kos -- where, however, nobody seems to have noticed that the Kosniks' situation in the Democratic Party is equally well described by that lapidary phrase "dependable minority constituency."

Comments (2)


a kos chortle
is a choked chortle
they feel the beat of dark wings on their spine

for a full noble chortle
the prog-pop african american chortle
they know they must sup
with their white devils
and taste irony's filings
in "falling for "
uncle' wall street's
poison chalice trick

"but heh ya gotta drink somethin'
and that's all they serve us "

General cluelessness is a defining trait of the pwogwessive netroots. There are few groups that can rival the intensity of koswackian un-selfawareness.

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