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By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 19, 2008 03:22 PM

We've all heard or watched or read candidate 'Bama draw the race line in the sand for "all of us Americans".

His speech in Philly yesterday was a clear enough statement of the obvious to be a rarity among polspeak productions, and so commendable, if not remarkable.

Barack has a talent for plain smooth decent conveyance, and I think he has shown a quality of mercy and understanding worth admiring. And yet -- to me his performance, straight ahead as it was, never escapes for long the quality of an awards speech.

If a majority of America's middle Americans come to accept what this man serves up to them as white house fare then it will obviously and precisely reflect the palatable taste of his words.

He is -- to put it simply -- no kinda Jeremiah at all, not even the battered-about, traduced facsimile of the great Hebrew prophet who preached an angry demotic truth his way, a few Sundays past, and married him to his wif

Comments (5)

Bat Delacourte:

When he's speaking, I think he honestly and deeply believes in whatever he's saying at the time. He has a knack for understanding what decent people would like to hear and feels a moral commitment to providing it. He'll even contemplate resorting to decency himself, with an eloquent exposition for people who may be puzzled by this choice. These qualities go a long way to explaining why he voted to extend and enrich the Patriot Act.

A terrible decision, according to some. But isn't it all relative? Aren't there questions of identity that, by virtue of being mooted, actually transcend identity? Do not fish swim in the seas? When you plank them, and salt them, and hang them from an oaken beam, a beam of the kind you might find in a house built with loving care, a house meant for grandchildren, puppies and pies cooling on the window sill, aren't these fish, these American fish, the kind of fish that would want you to understand his views on extending the Patriot Act?

I think they are. I hope you do too. Now let's get to work.



i'm not much on citizen rights
as tacked up in the public square
at least beyond the gestural weather-vain level

call me
mistah cynectidy if u will
but to me
for the big night riders at least
the patriot act
is a retro active ex culp
no better a belated
co-memorative vallentine

the PA neither adds
nor subtracts
anything crucial to the actual agenda

it's just a mascot bill
like flag burning
or adding under god
or removing school prayer
or the electric chair

the 9/11 moment
allowed a few bill toys
to come to life
perrrrrrrenial bill toys
that got to play a law

lets figure mix here
since i hate george orwell more then george burns even

the patriot bill
was just like all the other black and red
checker disks
dreaming of the day it makes
it onto the big game board

like its sis and bro's
the no abortion proviso
the homes be gun free ban
the balanced budget amendment
the pants on stallions act
their all chew toys
for indignent guys and gals
with strong moral jaws

on to other matters

in a land where people
are meant to believe
they are more governing then governed

we must notice another line in the sand
besides race sex and fuel consumption

that line where the invisiblizing curtain drops
seperating the final solution rooms
from the corn cob commons
where all this endless procession
of meme meals on a tray get served up
with out additional charge
by our multi dis-racial pluriaddictive
hemi-commercial public spirits
the so to speak
mass mind maw theme park

yes it is everywhere and no where
there on the grocery line news racks
beaming out of boom cars
stopped in traffic
and second hand station wagons
with the talk radio on

my favorite silent witnessing
the fox newz alerts ribboning
mutely by
the sudzzzy eyes of
the asembled happy hour bar stoolery

they are all bright or dim
still dance floors at the peppermint lounge
compared to the final solution rooms

shout baby twist and shout
you fuckin atomic heart u
torture u ??

why bother

but no matter how much
this nat king cole as malcolm x
(or is it visa versa )
purrs us toward a "domestic tranquility "
his kool katness
can not cross beyond the line
between the hoaky doke commons
and trans nat territory

the profit line runs thru us
like the holy ghost

take bottom line results
serious enough
understand true sustainability
and you don't need to shoot
smooth feathered crows
for cawing
just any wrongful righteousness

its that be free to bubble
he;s in
that keeps obie here an innocent

like any kold war liberal was innocent
no more
then bob kennedy
but no less either

decent intentions
can get roughed up too
when they have to be

when the global invisible profit fence
gets crossed at any point
it zaps the balls of the ambitious soul
ya the balls
the ultimate moral control center

Bat Delacourte:

My objection to it is based on the doctrines backing it: prosecutorial license as a guarantor of security and circumscribed proceduralism as a ex post legitimator. Both of which spring from the doctrine of an elite legitimizing the people by deigning to harvest them. I also intensely dislike hyperactive eggheads making up rules in smirking bad faith.


"the doctrine of an elite legitimizing the people by deigning to harvest them"

now that sez it all

as to hyper active egg heads
like my hero
brad delongeurs
they can smirk and jerk
all they want

just ball less babbits
in mortor boards
to me

just lay off
my nation's
nubile co eds
and gawky ganymedes
you shame fuckin
busters and busterettes
and i'll not
lop your lobes.....gist yet inny whooo


btw a great passage indeed
mein bat -hommet

"A terrible decision, according to some. But isn't it all relative? Aren't there questions of identity that, by virtue of being mooted, actually transcend identity? Do not fish swim in the seas? When you plank them, and salt them, and hang them from an oaken beam, a beam of the kind you might find in a house built with loving care, a house meant for grandchildren, puppies and pies cooling on the window sill, aren't these fish, these American fish, the kind of fish that would want you to understand his views on extending the Patriot Act?"

it captures in miniscule
the spirit of every escape clause
in todays decent fiend rhetoric armory
every meme lathe of choice
to turn
-- "well turn" in fact--
savage scrap
of corporate jungle gibberish
into a wednesday nite
bean supper
heart warmer

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The next post in this blog is Public servitude.

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