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Shocked, shocked

By Michael J. Smith on Sunday March 9, 2008 10:45 PM

Unlike the New York Times, Reuters is seldom a source of unintended humor. Still, it happens:
Clintons push a Hillary/Obama ticket

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are again teaming up on Barack Obama -- this time saying the first-term U.S. lawmaker, whom they have derided as inexperienced, would be a strong running mate on a Democratic presidential ticket headed by the former first lady....

"The Clintons are in a difficult position," said Dennis Goldford, a political science professor at Drake University in Iowa....

"If she wins the Democratic presidential nomination, she would need Obama's supporters. But she needs to be careful. If this talk of him on the ticket is seen as a cynical maneuver, it could backfire and hurt her," Goldford said.

Hillary? Cynical? Who knew?

It's surely safe to say that anybody who might still be willing to vote for Hillary, under any circumstances whatsoever, must have a fairly strong stomach for cynicism.

Comments (6)

Bat Delacourte:
It's surely safe to say that anybody who might still be willing to vote for Hillary, under any circumstances whatsoever, must have a fairly strong stomach for cynicism.

Absolutely. I think the cynical aspect is a draw for her too. Both Clintons, but Mother Clinton in particular, are attractive to the callow cynics who trumpet kinder hegemony through competently managed liberalism. She knows just what to say to let them feel they're keeping their hands clean. They can get a little thrill of self-loathing from her as well.

Oh, dear Gaaahhhhddd.

Somebody, stop the torture.

Pleeeeeeaaaase, won't somebody make...it...stop.

But, seriously, folks. Why am I not surprised? Appalled, but not surprised.
Disgusted, but not surprised.

What's especially disgusting is not so much the bare-ass nekkid cynicism of the DP, but that there are so many desperate dumbasses out there who'll vote for someone just because they a)are sorta kinda the same color as they are, and b)have the same set of reproductive organs.

Whatever faith or respect I had left for my "fellow Americans" -- present company excepted, of course -- is pretty much down the shitter.

What's really sad is that in three weeks, I have to board a flight out of Puerto Vallarta and go back to that goddamn' freak zoo. Ugh.


You can drink a lot of umbrella drinks over three weeks...

I just read that Obama more or less shot down the VP spot. Once again, the press didn't call him negative or mudslinging, but instead his comments were "pointed" and "humorous," i.e. he was a snarky asshole about it, and instead of issuing a formal "no thank you," he did it in front of the choir. Talk about being able to do no wrong.

I saw another article about the superdelegate swing vote. I'm starting to feel bad for Hillary, which is kind of an icky thing to feel. I think she's going to work really hard at being a total bitch and the party is going to dick her over en masse at the last second. It's kind of true to the democratic form... wait until the very last minute to see what everyone else does, then vote how you hope is the right way. If it turns out Obama is a shitty president, they'll probably be like, "He misled us! We didn't hear that comment about 90,000 more troops!" After all, the war seemed like a good idea at the time, right? At least it polled well enough at the time, right? Right?

re: actions true to Democratic form

Your comments on "Democratic form" viz. waiting to see what everybody else does reminds me of the one page I saved out of my old 1998 Infamous Sayings Page-A-Day Calendar -- a page I have tacked to the board over my drawing table to this day, quoting Bill Clinton "On Leadership" re: the 1991 Persian Gulf War resolution:

I would have voted with the majority if it was a close vote. But I agree with the arguments the minority made.

...and that, folks, is the last forty years' M.O. of the Democratic Party in a nutshell. As I recall, Democrats/Liberals fought each other to be first in line to vote for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution as well.

re: actions true to Democratic form

Your comments on "Democratic form" viz. waiting to see what everybody else does reminds me of the one page I saved out of my old 1998 Infamous Sayings Page-A-Day Calendar -- a page I have tacked to the board over my drawing table to this day, quoting Bill Clinton "On Leadership" re: the 1991 Persian Gulf War resolution:

I would have voted with the majority if it was a close vote. But I agree with the arguments the minority made.

...and that, folks, is the last forty years' M.O. of the Democratic Party in a nutshell. As I recall, Democrats/Liberals fought each other to be first in line to vote for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution as well.

Not only do I plan to drink a lot of little-umbrella drinks, but I plan to smoke a buttload of Michoacan if I can just meet a guy who doesn't emit such a strong skankiness vibe that I can sense the skaniness a mile away.

But, aaa-aaaanyway:

re: actions true to Democratic form

Your comments on "Democratic form" viz. waiting to see what everybody else does reminds me of the one page I saved out of my old 1998 Infamous Sayings Page-A-Day Calendar -- a page I have tacked to the board over my drawing table to this day, quoting Bill Clinton "On Leadership" re: the 1991 Persian Gulf War resolution:

I would have voted with the majority if it was a close vote. But I agree with the arguments the minority made.

...and that, folks, is the last forty years' M.O. of the Democratic Party in a nutshell. As I recall, Democrats/Liberals fought each other to be first in line to vote for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution as well.

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