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Fasolt and Fafner

By Owen Paine on Thursday April 3, 2008 01:18 PM

Coming attraction: two Dembot Merlins that fucked us all real good. First the chief architect of the Yankee deathstar, the Mike Angelo of the cold war:

Second, the man that gave us post-industrial America:

I bet more people can identify #1 than #2.

Comments (4)

Tim D:

Acheson and Volcker!?!

(full disclosure...i cheated)

Al Schumann:

I cheated too, right away, but I was too embarrassed to admit it until Tim owned up.

Love the hat, by the way. It's the kind of thing I'd want to wear while scarfing down crepes suzette.


not to scoop my screed

but its tall paul here
that kicked the industrial heartland
in the balls

toxic spill greenstain
only danced with the overdosed
dying dowager
long enough to insure
irrreverse hill billity...
err at least within the limits of
zah global
free range capital zyztem

or as dunbar------ortiz calls it
the game of
earth plays pluto

David D:

I knew em both Owen but only 'cause Dean A looks like a transvestite next to George Marshall. And the old expression if you could add a little adolph to Greenspun you'd get a Vulcan, Leo nimoy used it on a dennis miller roast.

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