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He's back, and just as bad as ever...

By Owen Paine on Monday April 7, 2008 04:16 PM

... in a good way, I mean.

Ralph's raiders update:


The lead:

"It is just shameful that prominent American liberals continue to support the corrupt Democratic Party"

The list:

"Eric Alterman, Medea Benjamin, David Corn, Ariana Huffington, Robert Kuttner, Victor Navasky, Harold Meyerson, Morton Mintz, Wes Boyd, John Nichols, Katha Pollitt, Jesse Jackson, Matthew Rothschild, Bernie Sanders, Micah Sifry, Robert McChesney, James Fallows, Markos Moulitsas and Katrina vanden Heuvel (pictured here)."

The Katwoman would be my choice to picture out of this group 'hanging of loft bats' too.

The money graph analysis:

"These prominent American liberals apparently have learned nothing from the political leverage generated by the small third parties in the 19th century who pioneered the social justice movements that delivered the goods that we take for granted today "

National poll results -- the Nader effect:

  • McCain 45 percent
  • Clinton 39 percent
  • Nader 6 percent
  • McCain 44 percent
  • Obama 39 percent
  • Nader 5 percent
Yes! Ralph can spoil the party! What joy.

Who makes the sign of the N?


Comments (12)


I'm lucky to not recognize a few of the names on the list.

Good for Ralph. We shouldn't forget the Know-Nothings either. I'd love to see both parties splintered to pieces.

Wow, Media Medea, huh? I'm not surprised...although I do still have the email where Code Pink states they aren't endorsing Jesus Obama.

And, don't forget...Ralph doesn't have to spoil it a whole lot... Don't forget what the Firesign Theatre says, via Fudd's First Law Of Opposition:

If you push something hard enough,
it will fall over.

Meanwhile, iirc, the Green Party itself is running Cynthia McKinney, a candidate with about as much charisma as day-old Mac'n'cheese. I still get a bigger charge out of Nader, at his age.


Cynthia McKinney

running this
honest to god
cotton south black lady
so hideously betrayed
and hammered about
by the low tide tactics
of the american
corporate two party ....

as a candidate of the greens...

why its
just plain cruel

LA Confidential Pantload:

If Straight Talk got 80% of the vote and Ralph got .05%, we would still hear thanksralphing late into the night.


Why so cruel?

David D:

Wasteful Mlitary budget, cutting off the corporate welfare kings!!! She's probably a fuckin' vegan too! Dosn't she have an editor? Anyway, I think I'd of used Katha Pollitt for the pic, she's a smoke show if you go for that Kathy Bates look.

p.s. Ms. Bates if you're reading I'm really your #1 fan!

The party is pre-spoiled. If it weren't for Ralph, Cynthia and Mike Gravel, there wouldn't be any point in paying attention.

Tim D:

Sorry to see anyone being published by Monthly Review Press (i.e. McChesney) appear on that ignoble list. I don't know if he'll live that down. By the way, supposedly Chomsky recently wrote of Obama:

I think he’s basically presenting himself as a blank slate, on which you can write your wishes. Hard to find much to be hopeful about. He is energizing a lot of young people, but I don’t see much reason to expect that for that reason his presidency would be more responsive to public pressure. Overwhelmingly, the public believes that the government should be responsive to public opinion. But that’s such an unpopular elite view that the press won’t even report the polls showing this. A more realistic possibility, perhaps, is that those who are energized by the candidacy will devote the energy to something constructive after the likely disillusionment.


Cool! If you believe, as I do after proper training via the House of Ioz, that the problem is vastly concentrated power and that THE SOLUTION IS DISSOLUTION, then I am eagerly awaiting a McCain Presidency. That doddering heroic old coot will run this tottering empire into the ground.

Viva la Republica de California! Long live the Free republic of Vermont! heck...long live Gilead-Alabama.

First, this wonderful news of everybody's favorite Political Suicide Bomber (hoorah) -- then, last night, when on a late-evening beer'n'munchie run to the corner Mom'n'Pop, guess what they have? Go on, take a guess.

That's right... Friggin' JIFFY-POP in the ORIGINAL FRIGGIN' EXPANDING SYMMETRICAL FOIL MUSHROOM CLOUD STOVETOP DELIVERY SYSTEM. You remember, kids...as much fun to make as it was to eat? COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!

I'm going to have some Jiffy-Pop, ready to hit the burner, right there by the stove, with the beer in the bucket and the fatties twisted out back, with the laptop, the DVcam, and an eye to the skies awaiting the re-entry crack-up.

Alright... the Democrats crashing and burning in front of Dog and Everybody with a nice cold brew and a big hot puffy foil bubble of Jiffy-Pop? What could be more American than that?

Ooooohhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhh.

David D:

The Comfort of BDU's

ken melvin:

Nader is an anarchist.

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