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I AM the Reform Party

By Michael J. Smith on Friday April 11, 2008 06:40 PM

Passed along by a reader:
Check this out from O-bomb-ya:
"Mrs. Clinton's opponent in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama, said in an interview that the welfare overhaul had been greatly beneficial in eliminating a divisive force in American politics."


What a tool! Yeah, welfare was the "divisive force" and not the corporate assholes using racist smears about "welfare queens" (never mind that corporations and CEO's are now and have always been the biggest welfare queens around).

The link contains some choice stuff. For example:
"Before welfare reform, you had, in the minds of most Americans, a stark separation between the deserving working poor and the undeserving welfare poor," Mr. Obama said in an interview. "What welfare reform did was desegregate those two groups. Now, everybody was poor, and everybody had to work."
"Everybody was poor" is so on-target that it's got to be a Freudian slip.

Comments (13)

This kind of stuff confirms that Mr. BO is a true vampire. My guess is that his real background (and intentional calling) has been buddying up to lefties thinking he could convert our stuff into electoral tropes. The whole post here smacks of somebody who's fully aware of the left argument "against" "welfare," and is knowingly converting it into new rightist marketing nuggets.

Isn't that how you become President? Advancing the art of the key lie pie? Every few cycles, you need a good liberal liar.

It tells you something about the bankruptcy of the system that it's reached the point of needing this type of bloodsucker.

Al Schumann:

The pecksniff-liberal attitude towards misfortune is amazingly hostile and punitive. TANF and AFDC never cost much at all and most people exited them within a few years of signing up. The damaging free rider problem exists exclusively at the top of the social hierarchy.

My guess is that his real background (and intentional calling) has been buddying up to lefties thinking he could convert our stuff into electoral tropes

I think you're right about that. He's certainly managed to sink his claws into the more gullible and hope-starved voters.


"The damaging free rider problem exists exclusively at the top of the social hierarchy"

sez all.... sumptuary plague wise that is


to tell the truth

one needs to catch the job ethic at its choke point

a job ethic
is not
a work ethic
while a work ethic
is not
a productive social contribution ethic

psce ???

might i be less stilted ???

why bother

when it comes to communication arts
i believe in
the " just get it across
abstract pompous and ugly " ethic

Al Schumann:

I like the distinctions you make, Owen. Nothing pompous about them, or the way you convey them.

a job ethic is not a work ethic while a work ethic is not a productive social contribution ethic

Neatly put.

chthulu's mom:

I suppose Obama's schtick is to find weasel words that are designed to appeal to the lefties, words that don't mean anything. Like "change" for example. His platform is more or less Clinton's; his speaking style conjures up a big old puff on cotton candy -- very tasty but providing no nutritional value.

Conventional wisdom is that in the primaries the Democrats appeal to the left wing, and then once the nomination is secured, go to the center. Or in the case of Clintonbama, the center right. At least they won't have very far to go, say a few inches.

Well, chtlooey's mom, the other thought I've been having about el BO-dolero is that he may be hugging on Reagan for a reason. He's certainly far north of the Gip in IQ chits and schooling, but he seems genuinely Reagan-untroubled by what he's doing, like playing the frontman-vampire role is just utterly obvious and normal to him. And there's something that's simultaneously vapid and thespian about his smoothness yet utter and complete emptiness under fire.

I won't even mention the analogy between Reagan's breathtaking betrayal of his own birth class, and Reverend Empty's rogering of his own appearance group. Oops...

Michael Hureaux:

Yeah, poor Barrack, poor Hillary with her new "god, guts and guns" routine she launched a day or so ago. They both really want to win. Maybe they should just opt for the Lombardi trophy as a consolation prize and forget the whole mess.

Off topic for this thread, but here's the text of the email I just got under the subject "AFT Mobilization":

"Volunteer to make a difference in this primary election

"Oregon's primary election is quickly approaching. Ballots will be mailed on May 2, and are due back by May 20th. With the democratic presidential nomination still up for grabs, and many contested state legislative races, it's important to participate in this year's primary.

"Members in the Portland area can make a difference through volunteering for one of these campaign activities. Click here."

Ah, union activism...


aft as in shanker's cankers ???

The self-same cankers, DP tankers, CIA wankers, fourth rankers

Michael Dawson writes:
...The self-same cankers, DP tankers, CIA wankers, fourth rankers...

Oooh, shay doo bee doo! Shaaaa-ttered, shaaaa-ttered.

Some teachers just wanna get fucked all night...

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