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Worth a thousand words

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday April 17, 2008 03:30 PM

From today's NY Times:
Palestinians Fight Israelis in Gaza; Toll Exceeds 21

Palestinian child on bike after Israeli rocket attack
Mohammed Abed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Wounded Palestinians lay near the car of Fadel Shana, a cameraman for Reuters who died in a missile attack on Wednesday in Gaza.

At least 18 Palestinians, many of them civilians including children, and three Israeli soldiers were reported killed in heavy fighting.

I'm not the only one who has observed that that photo editors are the best thing about the New York Times. In this case they have splendidly chosen an image that gives the lie to the paper's party-line headline.

I happened to see this when I was trying unsuccessfully to think of something to say about the Obama-Clinton dustup last night in Philadelphia. (The flag pin question, I'm told, was extensively explored.)

The kid in the foreground brought me back to reality. He's what Obama and Clinton agree on.

Comments (3)

Michael Hureaux:


And did anybody notice the effort to connect Obama with Billy Ayers, who apparently hosted some fund raising event for Obama at his house?

Like, what is this, "Are you now, or were you ever at the age of eight years, a supporter of the Weather Underground?"

Damn, these people are pathetic.---m.

Tim D:

good observation, MJS. they also agree on continuing this:


you know MJS, anytime i think about these candidates and war, i remember that epiphany-producing post you did many moons ago regarding how clinton et al signed onto the war because they wanted to see the republicans go down. at this point they are practically drowning in blood, and yet they soldier on...


anyone see this douchebag on the colbert report:


so, so sad...

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