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Deathless prose

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday May 28, 2008 05:28 PM

For some reason I'm on the mailing list of "Netroots Nation," whatever that is -- oh, I see; it's a "rebranding" (their word) of the annual Daily Kos convention. This year's is being held in Texas (why, for God's sake?) and it costs $375, besides air fare, hotel, food -- thanks, but no thanks. One was enough.

Netroots Nation has, of course, a "donate today" link on every page. This particular link carries a quotation from the redoubtable "Hunter", who is to Markos Moulitsas Zuniga what the former Cardinal Ratzinger was to Pope John Paul II:

"Hunter" says:

There is a value in being the town square, and in being the pamphleteers, and in giving citizens a voice, and in having a voice, when voices are the things most desperately needed.
Stirring stuff, isn't it? And so insightful. For some reason it reminded me instantly of Dan Quayle's attempt to cite the motto of the American Negro College Fund ("A mind is a terrible thing to waste"):
What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is.
Boy, if this incoherent dribble is the best they can do, truly they have fallen on hard times.

Comments (4)

Y'know what's sad, though? What's really sad is that right now, today, the Dan Quayle quote is really starting to make sense, in a perverse sort of way. It seems to fit so well the current state of the US "Left" and "progressive" constituencies vis-a-vis the Donkeycratic Party.

Seriously, man. They've lost their minds, and what a waste. How true that is.

Mind you, I'm not saying this because I like saying it.

Al Schumann:

The ineffable Quayle stumbled across a truth of sorts. Mindfulness only gets in the way for the kind of thing the netroots want to pursue. It's like having to spend time working on product, when the major interest of all concerned is the marketing.

tim d:

I don't know MJS. I'm a little disappointed that you're not going. I so thoroughly enjoyed your communiques from the...uhh what was it 2006 con?
You going there to report would be a cause I would have been glad to donate to!


Aiiieeeee! The return of pepperoni face!

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