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So, Smiff, I'm surprised...

By Mike Flugennock on Tuesday May 27, 2008 03:54 PM

...that you aren't all over this Hillary vs. RFK thing like a cheap suit.

I don't know why these bozos bother appearing on SNL, when you consider the FrontrunnersTM have been coming up with far better material on their own than anyone on SNL since John Belushi died.

But, aaa-aanyway, here's another fresh, steaming Nugget O'Clinton you may or may not enjoy. A fine whine, for sure. Looks like that good ol' Vast Right-Wing ConspiracyTM is back:

(CNN) — Former President Bill Clinton said that Democrats were more likely to lose in November if his wife Hillary Clinton is not the party’s presidential nominee, and suggested some people were trying to “cover this up” and “push and pressure and bully” superdelegates to make up their minds prematurely.

...The former president added that his wife had not been given the respect she deserved as a legitimate presidential candidate. "She is winning the general election today and he is not, according to all the evidence,” he said. “And I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen a candidate treated so disrespectfully just for running.”

... The former president said Sunday that the media had unfairly attacked his wife since the Iowa caucuses, repeating an often-used charge that press coverage had made him feel as though he were living in a “fun house.”

"If you notice, there hasn't been a lot of publicity on these polls I just told you about,” he said. “It is the first time you've heard it? Why do you think that is? Why do you think? Don't you think if the polls were the reverse and he was winning the Electoral College against Senator McCain and Hillary was losing it, it would be blasted on every television station?”

He added, “You would know it wouldn't you? It wouldn't be a little secret. And there is another Electoral College poll that I saw yesterday had her over 300 electoral votes…. She will win the general election if you nominate her. They're just trying to make sure you don't."

Comments (1)


hill vs ob
je vs moi

the moi of hillary brashly defies
the noble vision of je

can't shake the shame out of
the mirror struck
hill-billy clog dance

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