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Don't order the herbal tea

By Owen Paine on Tuesday June 10, 2008 02:52 PM

Among Hillary's auxiliary troops might we number the Lesbian-American nation?

Yet who dares speak their name?

Not Mother Clinton, at least while in this final bruising stretch. If, say, this February last, St Hill was found to have once attended one of these folks' legendary Famous-Amos roasts -- I ask you, kind and gentle readers, would that not out-Jeremiah Jeremiah?

Comments (3)


to belabor the obvious

---in the valley of the shadow of PC
its well advised---

i'm but funnin'and ptretendin'
as lord dunkenfields might have said

a serious examination
of mother C's
lady auxilary
below leader level
prolly types out
more like....
straight as a draughtsman's edge

lower middle
economic range bitter losers

never chic feminists
nor diesel cocktailers

older middle to lower brow
utterly conventional to their
transitional era
very specific women of a disappearing type

all wearing pale scare able
un-glam-our -us faces
that often call their deeper anger

this rather generic mass market
brand of
identity politics

as irony would require

to be massively
on a very mistaken identification

her ladies
are profoundly NOT
like HER
the real she creature
BDA hillary clinton
chroma keyed away
--a 70's technique ---
to play
their projected icon

you've come a long way, baby,
to get where you've got to today!

you've got your own cigarette now, baby!
you've come a long, long way!

Sometimes, when I sing those words, it just makes me weep. They wrote music so much better back then.

These boots are made for walking, Flugennock.

Just remember that.

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