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Fons et origo

By Owen Paine on Tuesday June 3, 2008 06:53 PM

Stephen A. Douglas

Here's the jackass template from which the likes of the two Clintons are cut -- the very model of the Jim Crow gimcrack cracker-barrel demogogue that is the soul of the everyday, calm-weather Democracy, and has been the soul of that party since the railroads bested the slaveholders. While the former carved up the goodies of a continent, they turned the front-stage governance of this country over to a bunch of painted merry-go-round animals and sideshow barkers, primed to play off every useless rage and baseless fear known to man and woman of votin' age, able to reach down into their deepest, most stubbornly ignorant lower parts, and produce a blindly faithful supporter

This plug of a man with the thundering voice of a pipe organ, like Hubert Humphrey a hundred years later, pretty much sums up all you can be, and still be a total piece of worthless soul-destroying shit.

An agent of Beelzebub himself couldn't play a nastier hand than these folks -- and all in the name of popular sovereignty -- majority rule -- the wise and faultless will of the plain, honest, white people of America.

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