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What's new is old -- again

By Michael J. Smith on Monday August 25, 2008 06:50 PM

Mike Flugennock writes:

What, again?
Pelosi sees Dems' convention opening new era

Nancy Pelosi

This week, thousands of Americans from across the country will gather in Denver....

Monday night, I will have an opportunity to speak to my fellow Democrats and the American people about what I believe is the most critical election of my lifetime.... Let us begin anew.

Wasn't the slogan of the 1980 GOP Convention "Together, A New Beginning"? Didn't La Nan say, on "Meet The Press" in 2006, "It's going to be a new day" -- in the same interview where she says that impeachment of El Presidente is "not on the table"? Oh, and Smiff, which DP hack was it that said "...and now, we govern..." after the DP's landslide mandate of 2006?
I dunno, Mike. They all blur together in my mind. I did note with pleasure the inevitable "most important election in my lifetime" trope, however. Amazing how each one is more important than the last.

Comments (1)

Nicholas Hart:

Here's Josh Frank interviewing Cindy Sheehan about her campaign against Pelosi.

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