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By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday March 24, 2009 11:48 PM

From the New York Times:

The Doctor's World
A Quandary in Sweden: Criminals in Med School

A year ago, Sweden’s most prestigious medical school found itself in an international uproar after it unknowingly admitted a student who was a Nazi sympathizer and a convicted murderer, then scrambled to find a way to expel him.

Expel him? I don't get it. Guy's a Nazi and a murderer -- hell, he's halfway to being a doctor, already.

Comments (6)


"Nazi sympathizer and a convicted murderer"

ahh to think
but for a few co eds and karl marx
that might have been me ....

Al Schumann:

Owen, it's no use dwelling on missed opportunities. My childhood comrades, Henry and Eloise Merganser-Desuetude, drank themselves to death over that.

Al Schumann:
“Who is to say that he might not become a great doctor, even if it in some ways would feel wrong or awkward to have a murderer for a colleague?” he asked. “It is not fair to have preconceptions about his character.”

He's got a point. Who among us would care to be called to account for every last little murder?

But I really do think the poor fellow should seek a career in investment banking, where his peccadilloes would be a comfort to his colleagues and a boon to the enterprise, even if he did have an occasional workplace lapse.

Waitaminnit... the guy's a Nazi sympathizer, and a convicted murderer, and the med school can't figure out a way to expel him?!

To quote the Wisdom Of Kyle From South Park, "This is really fucked up, man."

Damn, and here I had Sweden on the short list of Countries I Could Flee To. (;^>


You can still flee there, Mike. Your doctor may be a Nazi and murderer, of course. But that would be the case here as well; and in Sweden, you won't have to pay him.


Al: I just have to say that while I miss deeply UFO Breakfast, I love the fact that you still post reglarly here!

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