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Juan Cole, laptop bombardier

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday June 30, 2009 12:46 PM

Juan Cole's blog recently carried an extraordinary carpet-chewing piece by one Mansoor Moaddel, who I presume from his name is a member of the Iranian diaspora:

Iran’s Crisis and the U.S. Option:
Support Mousavi now or fight Ahmadinejad tomorrow

The current civil uprising in Iran reflects not just a protest against a rigged election. Nor is it primarily a symptom of contentions for power or clashes between opposing perspectives on the nature of the Islamic regime. It is, rather, resistance against a political coup, whose engineers plan to impose a Taliban-style Islamic government on Iran....

Ahmadinejad’s deeds are Islamic extremism in action. He has already restricted the freedom of Iranian citizens, expanded men’s authority over women, increased political persecution, undermined the rights of religious and ethnic minorities, and supported terrorism and political adventurism abroad....

At this point, the regime cannot secure its rule without unleashing a reign of terror. And if this coup succeeds, the regime will forge ahead with its expressed plans for nuclear development and support for religious extremism abroad....

The option that is left for the United States is either to effectively support Mousavi’s camp today or risk a military confrontation with Ahmadinejad tomorrow.

One wonders just what that ominous phrase "effective support" might mean. Sounds like regime change to me.

Comments (15)


"to make an omelette, you have to soak the streets with ingrate blood for a hundred years"

Idea: Let's air-drop old Mansoor into Tehran, so he can lead the invasion personally.

Love those ASA "poster presentations" somewhere in Congress. Wonder if Senator Craig ever tapped their foot in that particular washroom...

Michael Hureaux:

I am so tired of these god damn people.


"Ahmadinejad and Accumulation" (lenins tomb, June 29) provides a useful antidote to this kind of trash.

Al Schumann:

He's really something. Just a few months ago he was opposed to the "objectively pro-evil" arguments. I took his objections to them seriously enough to defend him. So much for that.


Al, you defended Cole, Moaddel, or lenin? Was it on SMBIVA, or where?


"a political coup, whose engineers plan to impose a Taliban-style Islamic government on Iran"

what a way to design a coup

first u gotta
hold power already
then hand pick candidates
have an election
and "win" it
but make it "feel" like u stole it
from a hand picked liberalizer
beat up a few hundred useful idiots
and as the cherry on top
publically gun down a babe or two

has the smell of a well oiled coup
all over it ...eh ???


"Ahmadinejad and Accumulation" (lenins tomb, June 29) provides a useful antidote to this kind of trash. "

i read a very lumpy muddle there
and at it's links
seasoned with pink dogma

lenin's tomb ???

too cute for struggle


"Al, you defended Cole, Moaddel, or lenin?"

as i recall
it was all three ...plus boris badenov

imagine all four of those no goodniks
twirling at once like plates on sticks
got all off
bing bang boom bring

not even perry mason heeeemself
would attempt
such as that

okay ...
so it reality
it was not illya but hees tomb
Al defend
to make foursome

Peter Ward:

"Laptop bombardier", haven't heard that term used since the "humanitarian" bombing of Serbia, a few years ago...

Al Schumann:

StO, I had kind words for Cole, here, a few months ago. after one of the minor league pwog pundits tried to run the objectively pro-evil / "there is no alternative" schtick on him. Owen tried to warn me to save my breath, but I had the bit between my teeth.

I'd not heard of Moaddel before. His jeremiad is a standardized, "if you love liberty, you will kill my former neighbors for me".


I have to second Michael. I am so fucking tired of these Keyboard Kommandos.


i read a very lumpy muddle there
and at it's links
seasoned with pink dogma

lenin's tomb ???

too cute for struggle

It is much better than your boring muddled articles on this site.

"lumpy muddle" sounds like psychological projection to me.

Son of Uncle Sam:

Here's a rule my papie taught me a timelong ago-

like 50 to the power of 10 X it self more

and who hates america more than N. koreans oh I don't know just Arabs

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