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Crowding Out Free Enterprise

By Al Schumann on Monday August 10, 2009 06:16 PM

A troubling aspect of the health care debacle, other than the debacle itself, is the valid concern that single payer health care would crowd out free market illnesses. So I was deeply impressed when the congressional champions of leaving euthanasia to the entrepreneurial class announced that they would forego their government health plans. Viral and bacterial infections, which struggle against public sanitation measures already, will at long last have a chance to see what individual initiative can do for them.

Comments (3)


"leaving euthanasia to the entrepreneurial class"

murder incorporated
hartford division

Imagine how exquisite the pleasure and righteous sneering could be, if we had a genuine champion of public health insurance on the field, to say nothing of atop the field...

But this is exactly the single-payer point. Killiam and Killary forewent their chance, as their Even Mightier Ideological Brown Avatar is again doing, with even fewer possible excuses. (When is zero less than zero?)

A champion of public insurance/public opinion could come out and dare tea-bagging opponents to copy the real activists of years ago and burn their Medicare cards/tax write-offs for their privately unreimbursed med-spends. After all, these folks are willing to sacrifice their own class interests to defend their ethics, right?

Alas, alas, alas...as ever...

To re-invoke the SMBIVA theme: JK Galbraith, unlike his inferior but kindly Texas-based spawn, was right. The Republican Party is vastly more honest and representative than are the Dimbots.

When the Invasion of Iraq was popular, or the Contract on America, those people danced on the Dims' faces and laughed all the way to what they assumed was the bank.

The Dims take a landslide beyond all that and check themselves into Hotel California. By design, of course...

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