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The Fog Horse

By Al Schumann on Monday August 24, 2009 04:15 PM


i owen lattimore paine
do sincerely think policy discussions get ridiculously fogged in
by galloping trojan horse socialisms
we lefticles devise mindwise like pub op
yes we need to be able to call the balls and strikes here from the stands
but ..welll .....for instance
after long and deep meditation i think the formal diffs between
any of these elves vs dwarfs health payment reforms
are wildly secondary to over all health sector cost containment


i mean we honest pwogs need to get off the pri sec for profit jag

one way or other we're gonna get universal coverage
and that puppy all by itself will entrain the rest of the story
so i say leave "our side" of this studio grapple to the merit goo goos and move on
well ..... meat and fries issues not merit spinich fests
like uncle health care

ought not the real anti corporate america fight
be over an actual class universal
like full employment macro
minimum wage indexing
job orging rights ???

Comments (14)

Al Schumann:

Owen, for my part the health care issue doesn't have much to do with the financing and structure of it; an academic exercise as you point out. Anything that eliminated the fickle patronage and duress of the present structure would do. What's so pressing is the death panels, the real ones, and financial ruin. And I don't think there can much in the way of job orging until health care is uncoupled from employment.

Elves vs dwarfs health payment reforms? Hang on, I've got my G-20 sided dice around here somewhere...


You did a good imitation of OP there Al. And I realized I've been missing him.

Al Schumann:



smbivan matryoshkim


"...health care .. uncoupled from employment."

don't the universal mandate
force this ???

Al Schumann:

The universal mandate looks set to be worse than the present rotten arrangement. Assuming it passes at all, I think it will eventually get fixed up a bit, but in the time in it's in force as intended it's going to sink millions of people deeper in debt. Technically, with the usual econ con sleight of mouth, it will be representable as not tied to employment. However a mandate that pushes people deeply into debt, or cuts savagely into their take home pay, is effectively tying them to whatever employment they have when they fall prey to it.

Having gotten that off my chest, I do think I've spent more time on this than can be justified, given the stubborn viciousness of the elected pwogs and the incorrigible, servile fatuity of the O'bamanoids.


super Al
"The universal mandate looks set to be worse than the present rotten arrangement"
as usual
the man from the victory garden
is correct

the reluctant dialectician in him
sees the kernel of necessary progress in
merit ferret mommy dearest
for our raw job class
a further tax upon your misery
is the immediate up shot of humane universalism

hell i wonder if
in aggregate
even 30%
as many folks will get treated
with wellness wands
as will get fricked
by the forced inclusiveness schtick


what did i mean by this

"we lefticles devise mindwise like pub op "

maybe i meant
we left.. devise mindwise
placebo socialist stuff like
a non profit pub op

yes i'll drop a stitch or two now and again

why must brave heart Al take the rap ???

he merely posted
my gibble de gop



here's the hyper fine
sequelizer :

a ob white house renewal reward
for the idiot
our recent
wall street tale
tellered by an idiot

a useful double dome-ed
alpha idiot in fact

ball-less ursine
gentle ben

gets 4 more years
to lick the wax
out of
goldy loch's
honey hole
top that billy clinton


It's late our here in the West. "pub op" is beginning to sound like surgery performed in a bar.

OP: I knew it was you, but there was a kind of clarity, smooth flow, lack of multiple meanings that made me wonder for a minute.



"I knew it was you, but there was a kind of clarity, smooth flow, lack of multiple meanings that made me wonder for a minute"

i wrote it in one take
i usually add make up
and shadowy contradictions
but i was in a distemper

this pub op business
has been dog on hare too long


and now ted's dead
'the liberal lion of the senate '
'the defender of the dream'

rallying moment ???

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