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The Good Emperor

By Al Schumann on Monday September 21, 2009 11:06 PM

are we to believe a fork in the road still exists in the whitehouse over the afpak picnic ??

the discussion in the White House is now focused on whether, after eight years of war, the United States should vastly expand counterinsurgency efforts along the lines he has proposed -- which involve an intensive program to improve security and governance in key population centers -- or whether it should begin shifting its approach away from such initiatives and simply target leaders of terrorist groups who try to return to Afghanistan

a mattress jack moment ???



we all know the good emperor choice...

come to the lite side obs baby ..

Comments (5)


There are good emperors?

I'm not finding the hook in this lure...what is it?


the msm uses hooks

i use oracular conveyance

the devoid eflatus
as my stuttering
older half brother once opined

good point however md

no so far as i can see i'm merely being personal and spiteful

no that's a tautology
like politics
all spite is personal

but read the tribute even you might see
some irony

convicted by his own journal articles



i thought i was reading a comment on the prior post

now i really don't catch your drift

unless you're wondering why
this spurious leak about second thoughts is to keep the hope fires burning
a bit longer

hey i think its legit btw

i think good emperors
are hamlets not fausts

but in the end their call to duty
leads them by an invisible hand
to do ....errrr ...the right thing

That's what I didn't get -- whether you gave any weight to the possibility that Obama could do anything but "the right thing."

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