Speaker Nancy Pelosi counted votes Thursday night and determined she could not pass a “robust public option” — the most aggressive of the three forms of a public option House Democrats have been considering as part of a national overhaul of health care.Pelosi's decision—coupled with a significant turn of events yesterday during a private White House meeting—points to an increasingly likely compromise for a “trigger” option for a government plan.
Rank and file membership in the Democratic Party is very much like incarceration in a giant Skinner Box; one with no rewards for the test subjects. The "trigger" option is designed to get the poor things to run on the random electric shock treadmill again. I think they'd do it without the gratuitous, bad faith hope inducement, but that's included anyway. Maybe the Democratic Party grandees are bored, and get an extra little thrill from the empty spitefulness. Or, maybe, they simply don't know any better, having grown used to the same in their own elite Skinner Box environments. It really doesn't matter, however. The motivation for it, insofar as these empty suits are capable of motivation, is irrelevant. The beautiful losing is the same old schtick.