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Laugh away, chumps

By Al Schumann on Sunday November 1, 2009 09:10 PM

The Democrats are getting a big kick out of George W. Bush, motivational speaker. It is amusing, in a sufficiently narrow context. He remains a tongue-tied cretin, and the laughs are literally cheap. $19! Torment the whole office for one low, easy payment! He was at the wheel when the national SUV hit the abutment, now he's motivating the business dudes?! Ha, ha, ha! Hoo! Tee hee... etc. etc.

Meanwhile, Mr. Complete Sentences has engorged the banksters with endless free liquidity and parked their toxic assets where they can't be unwound. He's paying them and subsidizing them and encouraging them to make the national consequences of "too big to fail" permanent. In a remarkably short period of time, he's done more to hurt the country than George W. Bush, the chuckle-head chimp, the smirking idiot that progressives managed to lose to, twice. I have no doubt he'll pull much more than $19 admission fees when his turn comes, and I have no doubt this booby prize will be taken to prove something.

Comments (3)

I understand that the pwogwessives next trick will be to saw off their own heads and call it the most historic progressive victory ever in the history of progressive victories EVAR!!1!!one!!eleventy!!1!!!

Al Schumann:

I don't want to get ghoulish, but if they truly plan to do so I hope they choose the right tool for the job. I see all kinds of people coming in after a botched auto-decapitation, whining and carrying on, and I'm tempted towards sympathy in spite of myself. But the fact remains: a poor craftsman blames his tools.

In the immortal words of a (personal) favorite obscure rocker: It's hats-off for good behavior!!


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