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Some nerve

By Owen Paine on Thursday November 19, 2009 12:12 PM

From a piece by punched-out, arm-weary warrior Robert Scheer:
"Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd... wants to take supervisory power from the Federal Reserve, which is controlled by the banks it pretends to monitor, and put it in the hands of a new independent agency.... As Dodd’s spokeswoman Kirstin Brost put it: “The Federal Reserve flat out failed at supervising the largest, most complex firms.” But White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee frets that taking power from the Fed would cause financial industry “nervousness.”"
Nervousness? Who's nervous? Surely not Wall Street. Are you nervous, Austan?

Obviously senator Dodd is willing to play softball here -- but not the 'Bama-shave team; they're playin' it by the golden rule, eh? Here's Goolsbee caught by the camera recently:

Come to think of it he does look a bit nervous. Judging by that posed priss look, the Ghoulman was obviously cornered by a lady press photog, not a cellphone-wielding foreclosed harridan of a homeowner.

Scheer goes on to spotlight this Bronxville honey bear, Neal Wolin...

... known as Woodie Tobias to Summers' Doctor Tongue and Bob Rubin's Count Pukula -- back in the Clinton wonder years:


"In the Clinton years, Wolin was general counsel to then-Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, the key architect of the radical deregulation that caused the recent banking collapse. Summers went off to work for hedge funds and banks that paid him $15 million in 2008 while he was advising Obama. Meanwhile, Wolin became general counsel for Hartford Insurance Corp., which had to be bailed out by the taxpayers because it took advantage of the radical deregulation that he helped write into law."
Clearly a more odious figure than my favorite pinched ass, Ghoulsbee, no?

As my pop used to say about his competitors from time to time -- "a real cesspool denizen he."

Comments (1)

Scheer's title tells us all we need to know about Scheer's delusions.

"Community organizer" Obama worked on behalf of corporate behemoths when he was that "organizer," but a nimrod like Scheer just latches onto the phrase "community organizer" and assumes (and therefore pitches to his readers) that Obama was a true "progressive," a man who is the salt of the earth, who would "organize" in a "community" for the betterment of...



...well, if you asked Scheer, it would be the betterment of All Humanity ad infinitum, but if you checked The Obamessiah's work history, you'd find it being the betterment of a corporate business entity at the expense of most in that community.

What happened to the "community organizer"? Well, Scheer, he is still organizing people, whole communities, with lies about his aims and agenda. He organizes them, galvanizes their mind-numbed support of The Obamessiah, and turns their mushy minds toward Auto-Pilot Approval of Obama and All He Does.

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