« Choose your victim, Obie | Main | Another one bites the dust... »


By Michael J. Smith on Monday January 25, 2010 09:16 PM

Weee're baaack. Sorry that comments and posts were not do-able for a while there. No idea exactly what went wrong, but mySQL's "repair table" command works more often than not, fortunately.

Oh yeah: If you've been monitoring comments on some particular post and all of a sudden they've disappeared, let me know: stopmebeforeivoteagain (at-sign) yahoo.com. I may be able to recover them.

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Monday January 25, 2010 09:16 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Choose your victim, Obie.

The next post in this blog is Another one bites the dust....

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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