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The New Talking Points Are Out

By Al Schumann on Wednesday January 20, 2010 11:40 PM

They look exactly the same as the old talking points.

"Republicans have an obligation to the American people to join us in governing our nation through these difficult times and to help clean up the mess they left behind," reads the memo obtained by TPMDC. "It is mathematically impossible for Democrats to pass legislation on our own. Senate Republicans to come to the table (sic) with ideas for improving our nation and not obstructionist tactics. Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

Via TPM.

I added a little something for verisimilitude.

Comments (9)

it's like quicksilver

Al Schumann:

I like the use of "mathematically impossible". They keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what they think it means. And as far as I can tell, they're steadily accomplishing pretty much what they set out to accomplish. Gracelessly, to be sure, but that's a function of their socialization.

Oh, I get it. You added the "ideas for improving our nation" bit. Clever.

"Tell me, Fezik, is there legislation ahead?"

"If there is, we'll all be dead."


I wonder if we can get Cthulhu to eat them?

Phillip Allen:

Sean, it doesn't matter whether Cthulhu eats them, only that He chews all of them into dog food-sized meaty chunks.


Cthulhu is not into
the lilly like
limited liability waltz

he's for full contact
buy/ sell agreement
pay or bleed
commercial partnerships
you know lots of
' put yer heart on the counter bub '
type collateral

i fear he like volcker
was designed for a less hasty
flexible and forgiving
time and place
then what we got today
down at
our beloved federal district


meanwhile back at the front(s)
i get this missive
from brother tom
sent to
me as charter member of
the public display of affliction
pink irregulars auxiliary

" Dear comrade owen

As another year of war rolls in, I want to thank you good folks at PDA for your continuing pressure on the pillars of power which prevents these wars from escalating further and poses an important political obstacle to the Pentagon and Administration."
after that
there's an odd jump to this

"It’s not simple. Study is required, to be sure.
But the Long War of fifty years against Muslim countries where radical Islamists operate, and where the oil flows through tankers and pipelines, is not hard to grasp. That’s a continuous war through 13 future American presidential elections."

very peculiar that eh ??

"If Bilmes and Stiglitz project a three trillion dollar cost for Iraq and Afghanistan, you have to wonder where the money is coming from."

" It’s from education and health care, for starters. "
really ??
from education??
or low intensity youth reservationing
and what ??
from health care ??
like the fuckers just barely scrimping along on its 2.4 trills per annum ??

"If 6,274 Americans have died in Iraq and Afghanistan thus far, it’s not hard to imagine 10,000 dead by Obama’s second term."
one k per year ??
i really hate this phoneyliberal boo hoos
over what are really tiny body counts

one hour at shiloh

"The hope of the Obama presidency depends on ending these wars."
utter nonsense

"The hope of our domestic agenda depends on ending these wars as well."
bigger nonsense
guns there and goo goo here
go together
like ham and eggs

"Obama has offered us a centrist proposal, to which we should pay close attention."

what does that mean for god's sake ??

" On the one hand, he is sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, which we should urge Congress to oppose by supporting Barbara Lee’s HR 3699 (to cut funding) and Jim McGovern’s HR 2404 (exit strategy)."

" On the other hand, he proposes to begin withdrawing troops in 18 months, which we should support and hold him to."

"we should be very aware that his withdrawal plan, however weak, is his concession to the peace movement and is absolutely loathed by the Long War advocates."
that is total bull shit
in fact tommy rotten knows better

note the implications of this:

"It’s almost as if our hawks are agents of al-Qaeda, so thoroughly do they pursue the al-Qaeda strategy of exhausting the American economy and stretching our armed forces to the breaking point."

so the sane imperialists
prefer to husband our blood and treasure
pull in the armada's horns some

i doubt the peace movement influenced that decision at all

at any rate
tomboy ends on a suitably feeble note:

"Thank you for persevering for peace. The Long War will require a longer peace and justice movement.
For peace and justice,

Tom Hayden
PDA Advisory Board member "

Tom has been watching the movie Brazil; mastering Orwellian doesn't come easy.

Some great news: "Air America, the progressive talk radio network, said Thursday that it would cease broadcasting immediately."

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