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Δημοκρατία -- in the etymological sense

By Owen Paine on Monday July 12, 2010 03:31 PM


Viva Greek class fire!

"Two million Greek workers walked off the job for the second time in two weeks Thursday after the country's Parliament backed Prime Minister George Papandreou's slashing of the nation's pension system. It was the sixth general strike in the country this year."
Now that's a mobilization. Scale equivalent here? 60 million, give or take.

Is it just street theatre a la the Gallic paradigm -- that class struggle theme park of a nation?

We will see.

(Stele now in the Agora Museum, commemorating the passage of a law against tyranny in 337 BC. The relief shows the Demos being crowned by a personification of Democracy, and the law itself is inscribed below. -- Ed. )

Comments (2)


Reminded me of the classic Homer Simpson line: Bart, if you don't like your job, you don't quit. You just do it really half-ass. That's the American way!


Replace Bart with Lisa and quit with strike. Other than that it's accurate.

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