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A Moment Of Unusual Clarity

By Al Schumann on Saturday October 23, 2010 12:26 PM

The AP writes:

Health insurers flirted with Democrats, supported them with money and got what they wanted: a federal mandate that most Americans carry health care coverage. Now they're backing Republicans, hoping a GOP Congress will mean friendlier regulations.

I don't know how that one got past the editors. It's accurate, succinct and intelligent. It describes what happened, what's happening and gives a good guide to what will happen next. Heads should roll for this. But at SMBIVA, we take a kinder and gentler approach. Credit where it's due: the AP has reported the news.

Comments (6)


Marvelous. Link?

Al Schumann:

Thanks. Fixed. The rest of the story is not as good as the opening, but they still deserve some small praise.

Nooo.... Comment:

And bolstered ever so slightly my case for favoring the despicable Democrats over the Republicans on voting day. The difference is tiny but real.

Thanks Al, for catching this Al-applauded news item.

Al Schumann:

You're going to explicate that case? You're a striver, I'll grant you that. It's getting sad, though.

Having opened the door, escorted the thieves inside and helped them tie up their victims, the Democrats stand ready to make sure the Republicans don't go too far when it's their turn to play, right? Or, wait, no! Woo hoo! I get it. I get it now! The faithlessness of the insurers is proof of the Democrats' slight edge over the Republicans?

Now now, Al. CR's just slumming with us until his camera comes back from the repair shop. Rumor has it that he broke it while he was fleeing a rampaging mountain goat that had been brought into an NYC shopping mall to help launch a new ad campaign for a medical insurance corporation. They were going to stage an ad campaign in which the goat "gores" the annoying spokespeople at all the other giant medical insurance corporations. Pricewise, I mean. No real blood involved. That comes after you sign up with the provider.

You may laugh now, but when our friend's awesome shots are plastered all over billboards and subways and bus exteriors and sports stadiums all over America, you'll wish you'd been nicer to him.

Nooo.... Comment:

You got it. Things are just that bad.

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