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Dead in the water

By Owen Paine on Wednesday October 27, 2010 03:51 PM

Of course the usual patter of strikebreaking news continues, as if the press could will the French workers back to their appointed tasks in the great hyperconnected mechansim that is a national economy these days:

" France's massive strikes appear to be losing momentum as garbage collectors in the southern city of Marseille went back to work and workers at three oil refineries voted to end their protest.

Striking garbage collectors in Marseille on Tuesday started chipping away at the trash that has piled up in the streets during two weeks of protests over plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62.

The FO union has voted to end the protest out of concerns over 'hygiene and safety.' Nine oil refineries are still blocked by strikers, but workers at three plants voted to return to the job on Monday. It is expected to take a few days to return to normal operation.

About one in four gas stations in France has been shuttered, and trains and schools have also been affected."

Could it be possible? Have the quite small but well-located French unions begun to strangle the beetlejuice out of Sarkozy and his fellow neolib bedbugs?

I know the students playing Red Mardi Gras have captured most attention here; but what counts, what gives traction to it all, where the wheels meet the road, or in this case don't meet the road -- is in the parallel strike underway.

For two weeks now the transport and refinery unions are oh so elegantly constricting the windpipe of modern France.

No general strike this; no big stand-up of the job class; no mass sitdown. Nothing hyperbolic here in either sense of the word, no sharp rise only to fall: just a methodical clamping down, a one-hand-only strangulation, and to one end only: with the vanishing of all things combustible, the gradual disappearance of commercial motion itself.

Comments (3)

Op-san seizes the Daniel Singer baton!


one wonders what the cash surender value of broad popular support really is

here broad popular support
for any city street type hell raising
is non existent
no matter how mimed whimsy full and arty
it is ..in fact that only makes
the kulack reaction stronger eh ??

but at any rate what will these demos gain and the stikers gain
from this public's rousing solidarity ??

i submit it prolly
tempers the strike leadership's
top done actions
for fear of losing that solidarity
and helps pave the way to a soft but
wickedly compromised landing

as for the stolid brits
preparing to eat
latest bowl of iron and ashes puddin'...

fuck em
the b.o plenty bastards
if they haven't
the spirit of '26 in em
they can go to blazes !!!


the key

you gotta go down fighting
force the state to move in a crush you

once the balls in play don't back down
i think the unions timed this just about perfectly
they're giving in their best shot
after this bold stand
a sudden attack by the state
might lead to a general upheavel
give the state no choice
its the best chance even if its one in five

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