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Like rats from a ...

By Michael J. Smith on Friday October 1, 2010 08:32 PM

Sorry for the cliche. But first Larry, and now Rahm. Even the talking heads on NPR this morning allowed as how Rahm might be thinking he'd be out of a job anyway in two years -- and the understrapper of a President without a legislature, in that many months, they might have added, but didn't.

It'll be nice to see the last of Rahm. Supposedly he's going to run for mayor of Chicago. It's hard for me to believe that the good people of that bloody-minded city won't hand him his tutu on a platter. It's still very much a machine town. But it's been years since I lived there, and who knows, maybe he's got the thing... choreographed.

Comments (3)

I wonder if he'll call his supporters in Chicago "fucking retards"?

"... maybe he's got the thing... choreographed"

You've hit the nail on the head. His main rival for the job, Jessie Jackson Jr, has found himself embroiled in an infidelity scandal (remarkably coming to light just now...) that effectively eliminates him from contention.

Rahmbo will go where the DLC machine feels he's most useful. Wherever he exits, he will do so in a way that is useful. Right now Team Zerobama needs a scapegoat bigger than hedgehog nose-digger Larry Summers, who lacks the Tangible Evil factor that Mr Dual Citizenship, Mr MOSSAD-man, has in spades.

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