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Here comes the public finance czar

By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 16, 2011 02:07 PM

The breadth of the nationwide assault by the GOP at the state level is really impressive. I came across this cute one from Michigan, called affectionately "financial martial law".

Here's one of our brothers, Buck Hall, over at AFL-MIA HQ, mulling this "reform":

"The so-called emergency managers bill would allow Gov. Rick Snyder (R) to declare a “financial emergency” in a city or school district and appoint a manager with broad powers, including the ability to fire local elected officials, break contracts, seize and sell assets, eliminate services—and even eliminate whole cities or school districts without any public input."
And it's not just public-sector unionites: the babied construction trades are under the gun here, too. Prevailing wage and community labor agreements are about to get outlawed in 20 or so states.

What more are the ghoul party types up to? Read Brother Hall's post; it's festering with link-ups to more and more roll jobs.

Hey, we voted these creatures in, eh? Quite a way to demonstrate highly legitimate popular fury at Ohbummer's democracy. But was there any other way availible? One sees a mad charge into a box canyon, eh?

What can you say? Fight like hell, gang!

Comments (10)


lets be clear if we had a system of immediate recall
i suspect the GOPers would right now face the turkey rope thru out the midwest

"A Public Policy Polling poll released Tuesday found that if Ohio voters had it to do over, they’d pick Democrat Ted Strickland over Republican John Kasich for governor.

According to the poll, Strickland would win a re-do election, 55-40 percent. Kasich knocked incumbent Strickland out of office in November, 49-47 percent.

The poll also found that if Senate Bill 5—legislation to limit collective bargaining rights for public workers—becomes law, that voters would back repealing it at the ballot box.

The poll found that 54 percent would vote to repeal the law, while 31 percent would vote to keep it."


Shit has to get worse before it gets better in the US of A. Probably still has to get a lot worse yet.

Ox's comment on another thread has proven on the mark: Walker had to win on the bargaining law. Others will have to win similarly. Then, maybe just maybe, it's game time. But we're still gonna have to have a lot of bad news before that happens.


the austerity of my austerity is my friend


1974 - "If long-nourished expectations of “a better life” (i.e., more goods, services, leisure, etc.) are now going to be frustrated, or at least postponed, as seems inevitable,
then there is going to have to be an equitable sharing of the burden of this adjustment."
[Minn FRB Annual Report, The Limping Giant...]

Debt mitigated Austerity kicked in some decades ago -- so now we are permitted
to partake in a new round more akin to
latam/africa structural adjustment

yah the global capsystem is in great shape

ready for that 'equitable sharing'

most are not...atomization/splits/crosscuts
have been/will be more pronounced

so to organization but...


the social atoms may go thru a phase change
from gas to liquid to solid

end up in colliding blocks

"Hey, we voted these creatures in, eh?"


Well, if by "we" you mean fellow creatures of homo sapiens sapiens then I suppose so, but I claim them not.

Al Schumann:

The creatures do seem representative of their activist supporters. They're bright, but not nearly as smart as they think they are, spiteful, passive aggressive, vampiric in their neediness and prone to indulging ludicrously over-determined theories of political economy that still manage to be reductive. The conservatives are just as bad, but spend less time stabbing each other in the back. That's not to their credit. No one gets gold stars for being easier to train.

Nielsen Eelbroth:

the empty set: the set of people who are as smart as they think they are.


a well organized jack ass drive
to revoke this GOPer state level nonsense
at the polls next year
might provoke
the sort of dramatic reflux
the after math of 1946 provoked in 1948

of course the 49-52 term of HST
was as unmitigated progressive disaster
as any we've had in 220 years

domestical-lllllly and globacal-llllllly


"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) attack on workers’ rights and middle-class jobs is having what is surely an unintended effect, as far as he is concerned—building support for workers’ rights"


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