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El Chupacabra

By Al Schumann on Friday June 24, 2011 10:04 AM

SMBIVA's favorite economist, Lump of Larry, had one of his epiphanies and he's touched ground, if only for the moment, in the real world. I doubt he'll stay. There's no money, prestige or power in it. Veneration of the Lump offers much more to ambitious types.

But while he's here, he's made an intelligent observation:

Training programmes or measures to increase work incentives for those with high and low incomes may affect who gets the jobs, but in a demand-constrained economy will not affect the total number of jobs.

A somewhat circuitous repudiation of the Lump, but a repudiation nevertheless.

Comments (3)


nice cull from a cull Al:

demand for more job hours by corporations
is induced by more demand for their products

supply increase is futile cost of employmentreduction is equally futile

they don't need the hours period

but they'll take the net cash
and dark lord larry of pigburg on charles
the faithless bugger
wants to cut corporate side payroll taxes

pure bribe at best
to get board room support
for a household product demand increasing payroll cut on the employee side
and of course
its a give away in all cases

got to love this guy
got to love him to death
its the only way ...

Al Schumann:

That snout scents the truffles? Makes sense. When Larry extends a friendly trotter, the tusks aren't too far away.


This group of duendes may better fit the picture - sure looks like
larry and friends [but
duendes can be con
trolled with
music and


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