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Shining city on a hill

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday June 29, 2011 02:52 PM

From comrade Mike Flugennock:

Comments (4)

Brian M:

conservatives have no idea how to do REAL Obama-hatred. Disturbing but oh so accurate cartoon.

Thanks, Brian; glad you're digging it.

Right on, too, about the rightists and their inability to express real, deep-down hatred of President Sparkle Pony. First of all, they're on the outside looking in; they aren't experiencing the cheap pandering, betrayal, insults and Donkeycratic Party FUD being dished out to the Left. Second, the rightists' Obama hate is totally misdirected; they hate him because he's black, and because -- get this -- they actually think the guy is a goddamn' Leftist, which is unsurprising considering that to your average Teabagger, anyone even a crotch hair to the left of Lester Maddox is a militant Marxist Leftist radical. Real leftists hate Obama with an honest, sincere, down-to-the-bone hatred because we hate him for the right reasons.

"Real leftists hate Obama with an honest, sincere, down-to-the-bone hatred because we hate him for the right reasons."

I hate him because he reps for the rich. And I fucking hate rich people. Down to the bone, I don't give a shit what color their fucking skin is. Flaying, gutting and feeding them to the pigs is too good for them.


Bamy is a lefty. And Bamy woudna ha' tha goots to shoot 'em himself. Send a drone, he woud.

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